Saturday, August 27, 2011

Download Adventure Game Studio New Version - Create Your Own Game !

Adventure Game Studio - Banyak game gratis yang bermunculan tiap hari, baik yang sederhana maupun yang sulit. Banyak dari game itu yang bisa didapatkan secara cuma-cuma (full version) karena si pembuatnya hanya ingin menyalurkan hobi membuat game.

Sobat tertarik untuk membuat game? Kalo iya, Adventure Game Studio merupakan software keren yang dapat membantu sobat dalam membuat game sendiri dengan menggunakan metode point-and-click. Selamat berkreasi sobat. :D

Download Link:
pass: ndemole

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Google+ VS Facebook - Who Will Win?

Google+ adalah proyek terbaru dari Google yang saat ini masih dalam tahap beta. Meskipun bukan proyek pertama Google untuk membangun jejaring sosial (sebelumnya Google mengembangkan Wave, tetapi gagal), Google+ bisa dikatakan sebagai yang paling luas.
Pada blog resmi Google, diberitahukan bahwa Google+ benar-benar dirancang di dalam Google sendiri. Harapan mereka adalah mendesain ulang cara berbagi secara online. Mereka akan mengelompokkan orang ke dalam "Lingkaran", yang bisa Anda atur sesuai keinginan Anda. Saat ini, fitur Circle itu hanya bisa menarik kontak dari Gmail atau Google Contacts.
Setelah Lingkaran diatur, Anda baru bisa berinteraksi dengan orang-orang. Anda dapat berbagi gambar, link, atau artikel. Anda bahkan dapat mengambil keuntungan dari "Sparks", yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memulai percakapan dengan orang-orang di Lingkaran Anda. Google+ juga memiliki layanan video chat built in yang disebut "Hangouts" dan aplikasi ponsel yang tersedia untuk perangkat Android.
Aspek mobile Google+ tampaknya penting untuk layanan tersebut. Google menjanjikan proses upload media ke setiap layanan media sosial dengan cara yang paling mudah. Kemudian, ada pula fitur bernama "Huddle", yang cara kerjanya mirip dengan BlackBerry Messenger, yaitu menggunakan data, bukan pulsa.
Potensi Google+ untuk menjadi besar ada disana. Namun, hanya waktu yang bisa menjawabnya. Kita lihat saja apakah layanan ini bisa menyaingi Facebook atau bahkan melebihinya.

Nah, bagi sobat-sobat yang ingin mencoba jejaring sosial Google+, silahkan tinggalkan alamat email di kotak komentar agar bisa saya invite untuk mendaftar ke Google+. Wanna try? :D

Download Athan (Azan) Basic 4.1 - Ramadhan Spirit !

Athan (Azan) Basic - merupakan software yang mengingatkan sobat akan waktu sholat melalui PC. Software ini mengumandangkan azan secara otomatis lima kali sehari dan dilengkapi dengan doa setelah azan. Sobat dapat mendengarkan alunan azan dari Mekah, Madinah, dan Al-Aqsa.
Software ini dapt digunakan oleh pengguna dari enam juta kota dan desa di seluruh dunia dan mendukung multibahasa, termasuk bahasa Arab, Inggris, dan Perancis. Di dalamnya terdapat metode perhitungan tanggal hijrah dan tanggal konvensional serta petunjuk arah kiblat.

Download Link:
pass: ndemole

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Download Avant Browser 2011 - Make Internet Explorer More Convenient to Use !

Avant Browser - merupakan software yang berdiri sendiri yang dirancang khusus untuk memperluas fitur-fitur yang disediakan oleh Internet Explorer. Aplikasi ini menambahkan fitur-fitur dan fungsi untuk Internet Explorer sehingga lebih nyaman dan lebih efisien digunakan.
User-interface dari aplikasi ini juga memberikan kejelasan yang lebih bagi para pengguna IE. Avant Browser adalah program freeware alias gratis. Di dalam aplikasi ini tidak terdapat spyware ataupun adware. Dan juga software keren ini tidak memiliki batasan/trial.

Fitur-fiturnya sebagai berikut :

  • Online Profile Storage

  • Autofills

  • Mouse Gestures

  • Flash Animation Filter

  • Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader

  • Additional Mouse Functions

  • Multi-Window Browsing

  • Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode

  • Built-in Search Engine

  • Full IE Compatibility

  • Control Your Privacy

  • Safe Recovery

  • Skins

  • Support for 41 languages


Download Link :
pass: ndemole

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bahaya Mereset Password Facebook

Dilihat dari judul artikel ini kelihatannya bahaya sekali kalau melakukan reset (mereset) password facebook, dikatakan bahaya karena didalam melakukan reset password facebook apabila kurang teliti maka bisa saja menimbulkan kerugian yang sangat besar terhadap pemilik akun yang sah.

Untuk melakukan reset password facebook biasanya dikarenakan oleh lupa password facebook, lupa alamat email yang

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tips for Choosing a Car Insurance

Choosing a car insurance is not easy. Especially in the midst of stiff competition today. Almost all insurance companies have vehicles insurance products. Stay prospective customers to choose which one is viable. Therefore below we present some criteria so that not wrong in choosing:

  1. Prospective customers do not dwell on the cheap premium rates. Because in today's competition, many insurance companies slam prices, offers cheap premium rates. Though not necessarily a guarantee of service.
  2. See the insurance package offered. For example extensive collateral to how much. Therefore, extensive collateral should be adjusted with the desire and ability to prospective customers.
  3. See also the network of insurance companies concerned. For example how many have a branch office or how many partner have a garage, so that there is a claim not wait long to repair the vehicle or vehicles reported missing.
  4. Could be asked first ease, facility, or what added value can be obtained when buying the policy in the company. For example, if there is tow truck, a replacement car or hotline services, mechanic services, ambulances and so forth. And last but not least is easy to make changes and the ease in question.
  5. Consider also the insurance company's bonafides. Do not get so there is a claim, the workshop did not have any partners. Therefore many insurance companies claim they are the best. Whereas financial condition was very severe.

Besides those mentioned above, there are several factors that should be considered in the process of selecting an insurance company include in choosing the product. The thing to remember in choosing a private insurance company, then that should be considered in general are three factors.
First, the financial strength (security). Second, the service. And third, the cost or burden. Financial strength of insurance related to the company's financial ability to fulfill its promise if the situation requires. It is important to know, because not a few insurance companies are looking at the flashy exterior. For example, storey building, a vehicle that good directors. But when there claims from customers, the company cannot pay.

In assessing the financial strength of these there are several benchmarks that need attention.
a. Assets and liabilities. This can be seen from the financial balance sheet is published in the newspaper. See also, whether the investment is planted in the current or long term. In terms of liability (the ability to pay off liabilities) will look at the balance sheets, how the debts to the reinsurer, how he fulfilled his obligation to pay claims, and so forth. Indicators liabilities include net equity divided by net premiums of at least 50%. Capital is divided into gross premiums of at least 20%. Limit the level of solvency, which looks from its own capital divided by net premiums of at least 10% and investment fund technical reserves divided by a minimum of 100%.
b. Underwriting Policy. On the balance sheet and annual report will be seen that the insurance is still a profit, or profit growth. This means underwriting policy was good.
c. The Underwriters. Insurance has personnel qualified or not. It is known from the profile companies that includes the underwriters.

Services is reflection of the extent to which human resources at the company's qualified or not. Moreover, insurance companies are selling a service, so excellent service is the key. For example, the extent to which the speed of service in both the policy issue especially in the payment of compensation or claim. In addition, about the service can actually be felt by the customer. Is this insurance company, was absolutely the best service for its customers.

In this connection it should also be questioned whether this insurance company to the reinsurance of reinsurance in-class safety. This can be seen from the annual report. It is important to note, because if the company is not backed up by reinsurance, the company is likely to be speculative in receiving the premiums.

The issue is how much the costs incurred by insurance companies in operation. If greater than the cost of income, then obviously the company is inefficient. If it's not efficient, it will end up losing money. And if you continually lose, definitely not healthy. In this connection, could also see the price premiums. Compare the price of insurance premiums with other insurance. Where the quality is really good.

Today the government has set a benchmark of health insurance (not only) is through RBC mechanism (Rise Base Capital). If RBC number was large, this means the company is valued in good condition. But we should not been fixated solely with RBC numbers. Therefore, it could also be a large company that is doing great expansion like to open many branches, that the RBC numbers would be small. Conversely, there is a small insurance company but never to expand, the RBC numbers was probably much greater.

Thus, RBC numbers cannot be used as the sole measure of whether the insurance company is healthy or not. In this case, also noteworthy is the company's performance in the last two or three years. How big profits every year, how much gross premiums they receive each year, how much additional capital and assets every year. And, last but not least is how the company's management behavior during this time. Is there a management company for this broken promise? Has this company experienced management defaults and others.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jual Cepat Voucher Google Adwords

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mendapatkan kiriman dari mbah Google berupa Voucher Adwords senilai Rp. 400.000,-. Berhubung saya tidak mengerti cara menggunakannya, voucher ini mau saya jual.
Alasan kenapa saya jual cepat dikarenakan expired date nya tanggal 15 Agustus 2011. Jadi sebelum tanggal 15 Agustus 2011 harus sudah di aktifkan. -,-". Voucher ini saya jual hanya seharga 200ribu aja sob. Bisa di nego tapi jangan kebangetan ya nego-nya. Hehe.
Kalo sobat ada yang serius berminat silahkan hubungi saya via YM ato sms/call ya sob. Cara pembayaran bisa transfer lewat BRI ato BCA. Semoga bermanfaat. :D

YM : violence_area
No HP : 085740836300

Monday, August 1, 2011

iPhone 3G locked - how to unlock

When you connect your iPhone and the following message appears "ITunes could not connect to iPhone because it is protected by a code. You must enter the code in the iPhone before using it with iTunes " If it is impossible to make any code in the iPhone, because this image or the USB connection, or the Apple century, attempting to double-click the Home button to avoid the security code of the