Saturday, July 30, 2011



Friday, July 29, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Skin Future Phone

Samsung S2 Galaxy is still the thinnest phone with a thickness of only 8.4 millimeters. And try to design a concept Yankodesign Galaxy Samsung S3 with exceptional thinness. This concept drawings created by Heyon You also could make the concept watches Sony that can be turned into mobile phones and laptop computers by using touchscreen flexible OLED technology. Still the same dream, the concept

Razer Switchblade

Known as the creator of the gaming device does not make the Razer satisfied. Just look at his new tool Switchblade. You are invited to enjoy PC games in new ways. Unlike the PC you normally use at home, or even a notebook that you often carry everywhere. Switchblade is portable gaming gadgets are set up for you lovers of the game on the PC. Smaller screen sizes, as well as with the keyboard.

Kontes Terbaru Bulan Agustus

Wow... ada Kontes Terbaru Bulan Agustus 2011 yang menyediakan  hadiah yang sangat besar yakni hadiah pertama senilai 15.000.000, hadiah kedua senilai Rp. 8.000.000, hadiah ketiga senilai Rp. 6.000.000, hadiah keempat senilai Rp. 4.000.000 dan hadiah kelima senilai Rp. 2.000.000.

Apakah sobat blogger Indonesia sudah siap mengikuti dan bersaing bersama para pakar seo indonesia yang sudah pasti

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Motorola Create Nike+ Competitor

Motorola appeared to be preparing to compete with Nike, which has been shown to bring in money for Nike and Apple. Surprisingly Motorola brand that is known not care about the world of sports and it turns out now they have released a clock named nanno sports watch. Motorola described the gadget as an all -in-one fitness and music media are packed in a package with support of GPS as a tool to

Download Soluto New Version - Anti-Frustation Software !

Soluto - merupakan software yang mempunyai slogan Anti-Frustation Software. Kegunaan aplikasi ini adalah mencatat semua aplikasi dalam proses sistem boot sobat, dan memberikan keterangan kepada sobat tentang aplikasi-aplikasi apa saja yang membuat booting menjadi lambat.

Pada saat menginstallnya, Soluto akan otomatis melakukan reboot pada PC, dan akan mulai bekerja mencatat semua proses selama proses booting berjalan. Kemudian memungkinkan sobat untuk melihat semua laporan setelah proses selesai dan dapat mengetahui berapa lama komputer melakukan reboot.

Setelah sobat mengidentifikasi aplikasi yang memperlambat proses boot, selanjutnya sobat dapat melihat laporan lebih detail dan mengendalikannya langsung dari layar. Sobat dapat klik "Pause" pada aplikasi tersebut, yang artinya akan menghilangkannya dari proses boot nantinya, atau sobat dapat mengklik "Delay", artinya akan merubah setting aplikasi itu untuk dijalankan pada bagian delay dan tidak lagi saat proses boot. Dengan begitu proses boot pada komputer sobat menjadi lebih cepat.

Sobat juga dapat menganalisa atau setidaknya sebagai bahan tinjauan dari apa yang telah dilakukan pengguna-pengguna lainnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah serupa, dengan mengklik tombol "Other Users Did" pada grafik bundar warna hijau. Menu tersebut dapat digunakan bila sobat tidak tahu harus berbuat apa.

Screenshoot :

Download Link:

pass: ndemole

Download Process Explorer New Version - Display Your Running Programs !

Process Explorer - merupakan aplikasi yang berguna untuk menampilkan suatu proses yang sedang berjalan pada komputer. Software keren ini sering juga disebut pendeteksi komputer. Process Explorer dapat menampilkan segala aktifitas atau aplikasi-aplikasi yang sedang berjalan pada komputer kita secara jelas layaknya tampilan pada Task Manager.

Aplikasi ini juga memungkinkan sobat untuk mematikan / kill suatu aplikasi yang sedang berjalan dengan cara klik kanan program yang ingin dimatikan kemudian pilih kill process dan program tersebut akan berhenti berjalan.

Process Explorer dapat dijalankan pada semua Windows Version dan merupakan program freeware dengan ukuran 1,75 Mb.

Download Link:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Revealed: New Features for Firefox 6, 7, 8 and 9

Firefox five generations in one year - until recently, unthinkable. With the new system version, however, appears every six weeks, a new Firefox - Users must update your browser permanently. But the new system has a distinct advantage: The Mozilla developers have new features not wait until the next mega-update, but you quickly realize their ideas. And there are already plenty. Firefox 6 and

MS-DOS celebrates anniversary: ​​30 years of command-line

Who had done in the 80s and 90s with personal computers, will still remember vividly the command line, optimizing the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys or Word without a graphical user interface. Today celebrating the 30th founding father of Microsoft operating systems Name day. On 27 July 1981-validated Bill Gates that is probably the most important purchase in his career: For $ 75,000, equivalent to

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

ScoreMobile FC: For football lovers (IOS)

The guys who use Blackberry know this app, and has now come for the IOS platform. So the days remaining to see the America's Cup can help in this free app available in App Store. ScoreMobile FC also works on iPod Touch and iPhone. This application gives football fans full coverage and just in time to go the semifinals of the Copa America, the biggest soccer event in South America. ScoreMobile FC

Monday, July 18, 2011

Page Rank Blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer Meningkat

Page rank blog belajar ilmu komputer meningkat dari page rank 3 kini meningkat 1 tingkat menjadi page rank 4. Peningkatan page rank oleh google sangat diharapkan oleh semua pemilik blog baik blog berbayar maupun blog gratisan.

Sebenarnya blog belajar ilmu komputer ini tidak terlalu bagus bila dibandingkan dengan blog lain yang juga menyajikan artikel tentang ilmu komputer yang lebih menarik 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Olympus E-P3

The Olympus E-P3 is a digital system camera with a resolution range of 12 megapixels for still images and full HD quality videos. As part of the PEN system by Olympus, the P3 can be adjusted individually by various components, such as through various lenses flash or strobe lights. Thus, the device offers a similar flexibility as adult SLR, without calling toll on the dimensions. The results

Monday, July 11, 2011

The latest iPhone 5 rumors: With 2 cameras for 3D

The latest news on iPhone 5 comes from China, With a picture that shows the iPhone with a fifth-generation two cameras, Which would allow take photos and shoot video in 3D. This feature is currently only common to smartphones LG Optimus and 3D HTC 3D Ages, both Android. The author of the Chinese site claims to have received the photo from a friend in Shenzhen, the region where the factory is

HTC Desire Firmware Update: 2.3.3 Gingerbread arriving at the end of July

Even one of the most successful models from HTC, the Desire, Will soon be updated to 2.3.3 Android Gingerbread. They have done well not to lose hope users of this terminal although only a few months ago we really thought that this update was done. Later tests conducted by the manufacturer then some Taiwanese have given positive results. So here comes the green light to upgrade to the latest